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Online Tools :: What is my IP?

Need to know your IP? Want to verify if proxy is really hiding your IP (proxy is anonymous)? See below what information we were able to retrieve.
You should not see your real IP below if proxy you are using is anonymous.

You are surfing via proxy.

Proxy IP: 18-97-9-168.crawl.commoncrawl.org

Your Real IP Address is:

Additional data:

HTTP_USER_AGENT: CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)

You might be interested in other online tools.


Lalit Bachani
November 14, 2006
How di you rectify that IP
November 14, 2006
$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] - real ip address when surfing via proxy. Some anonymous proxies hide this address

$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] - proxy ip address (when surfing via proxy), or your real ip when not surfing via proxy

$_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'] - proxy name
January 18, 2007
WOW this is nice man any script to download???
May 25, 2007
Can someone put a download on this page? So i can just upload it to my VPS.
July 23, 2007
samsekar [anti-spam] indiatimes.com
September 6, 2007
i want some site to upload files.
August 22, 2008
hi zubrag ,do u know anything about h$$$ing emails...................???
August 23, 2008
hi zurbag add some !h!a!c!k!i!n!g! tools on ur site, like brutus, hydra, some php scripts for phishing........ect
January 6, 2009
wow hackers lmao have fun with that. Hacking is gay i use to do it my self lol
ahmedk578 [anti-spam] rediffmail.com
April 29, 2009
I got my IP address in ip-details.com. It is really great.
June 13, 2009
wow thanks alot this really help now I could go do whatever I want
ramu.palanki [anti-spam] gmail.com
August 18, 2009
this is very nice
September 2, 2009
Huun... Nice...
sbl.listed [anti-spam] gmail.com
September 24, 2009
I wil no spam to my mail thank
info [anti-spam] www.pweb.pl
October 5, 2009
Il pas mal du tout le script.... Merci!
October 18, 2009

here you can check your IP address on the Google Map!


December 22, 2009
"Your IP Address is: 94.75.xxx.xxx

You are not surfing via proxy."

Surfing via VPN so stfu ! :D

March 2, 2010
how to surf via proxy?
May 13, 2010
Erm.. I am using a proxy..
It says Im not..

I guess that means, Its secure ?
Kumarmanish29071992 [anti-spam] gmail.com
January 31, 2011
My name is manish kumar verma
August 5, 2011
if it says u r not surfing via proxy it is because u arnt

cyberghost vpn is good and its free
cor45ca [anti-spam] hotmail.com
February 7, 2012
sorry to burst bubbles here but your What is my IP? tool doesn't work proper due to it's telling my my real IP and the proxy are the same and for the simple fact I am not running a proxy
February 16, 2013
<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_VIA']; ?> not working
aleezagul5 [anti-spam] gmail.com
April 9, 2017
amolsawant1989 [anti-spam] gmail.com
October 7, 2017
sorry but it's not detecting my real IP .. hard Luck.. i am using Free VPN Plugin in Mozilla...