Website Thumb Generator can be used to create website thumbnails for your needs, or start your own website thumbnail generation service.
- Windows hosting
- PHP GD library (installed on most hostings)
- Permissions to execute third-party applications (i.e. exe files)
- Permissions to execute Internet Explorer
How it works:
- Website Thumbnail Generator checks if it already has website image in the cache, and shows it in the browser.
- If no cached image then IECapt would be run from the script.
- IECapt would run Internet Explorer, grab full sized website screenshot from it, and save image into the folder you specified in script settings.
- Then Website Thumbnail Generator would resize image, and show it in the browser.
- Download IECapt from http://iecapt.sourceforge.net or from our site: IECapt. Place it in some folder on your server.
- Download Website Thumbnail Generator using link below, and unzip it to the same folder.
- Update webthumb.php with your settings for thumbnails folder, cache time, default thumbnail size, etc.
Sample usage:
- webthumb.php?url=http://www.microsoft.com
- webthumb.php?url=http://www.thumbnails.com&x=150&y=150